Juxtapoz, Apr 2017

Apr 08, 2017 – May 14, 2017 Gregorio Escalante Gallery, Los Angeles

It’s been common wisdom that to know where you are going, you must first understand from where you came. Over 50 years ago, the Black Panther Party sought an equal future for oppressed communities in the United States and the world, establishing a platform based on the implicit history and marginalization of being black in America. Read more below

A catalyst for nationwide change in the 1960s, the Panthers empowered their community by creating free food programs, clinics, community newspapers, and neighborhood patrols against police brutality. The Sepia Collective, in association with Rage Against the Machine’s Zack de la Rocha, is proud to present, ICONIC: Black Panther, a celebration of the iconic legacy of the Black Panther Party in American history. The exhibition will feature artworks from over 50 local and internationally recognized artists including Emory Douglas, Dr. Samella Lewis, Fab 5 Freddy, Shepard Fairey, Richard Duardo and Lili Bernard.

For more information, visit gregorioescalantegallery.com


My work in the show:

Lili Bernard. Self-Portrait in Straight Jacket with Assata Shakur as Oya-Yansa and Kathleen Cleaver as La Virgen de La Candelaria, 2017. Oil on Canvas, 48"x36"

Lili Bernard. Self-Portrait in Straight Jacket with Assata Shakur as Oya-Yansa and Kathleen Cleaver as La Virgen de La Candelaria, 2017. Oil on Canvas, 48″x36″